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The Girl Who Walked into the Light

Irish orphan Jian Byrne is beautiful, gifted and lost. She can see people’s auras, travel out-of-body to realms on high, and remember perfectly. But her missing family is a wound that has never healed. When her grandmother dies, Jian falls hard. She is lured into the local drug scene. A rescue begins.

One night while she sleeps, a fiery being appears and reminds her of the mission she was born to fulfill. She is guided to great friends of light, comes face to face with diabolical takers, and resurrects an almost hopeless quest to find her family.

The Girl Who Walked into the Light begins the story of a humble girl’s journey of rediscovery of who and what she really is. And what she is meant to become.

Buy The Girl Who Walked into the Light here.

The Girl Who Invoked Fire

The Girl Who Invoked Fire continues the odyssey of Jian Byrne, an unassuming but gifted Irish orphan who bears the scars of lifetimes. Guided by unseen forces, Jian is shown visions of her mother as a young woman, which spurs her search into her family’s disappearance and beyond into life’s profound secrets.

She meets a survivor of human trafficking and in a dreamlike journey into a realm of memory relives the girl’s rescue. She joins the battle against the traffickers, and the evil that ensouls them.

Buy The Girl Who Invoked Fire here.

The Girl Who Kept the Flame

Orphan Jian Byrne finally locates her long-missing brother, now a soldier in the fight against human trafficking. But will he believe she is his real sister? And what of her parents? Could they still be alive?

The Girl Who Kept the Flame traces Jian’s battle against takers who enslave innocents, as well as her own struggle to heal her scarred soul. And it brings Jian’s search for her family, and for the truth of her own being, to an extraordinary and surprising conclusion.

Buy The Girl Who Kept the Flame here.

Lessons of Light

Lessons of Light taken from the Girl Who Walked into the Light reveals the behind-the-scenes spiritual path hero Jian Byrne travels as she journeys through earthly realms past and present, as well as etheric and akashic worlds that were once far beyond her imagination.

Buy the print edition here.
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