Still Walking
I’m the oldest of nine children, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I live in Montana now and am blessed with family here and across this great land.
My interest in the secret guardians—my fictional name for the holy ones of heaven who are known by many names—goes way back. My parents were devout Catholics, and they raised us in the faith. As a child, one of my favorite books was The Catholic Book of Saints. During my mid-twenties, I began to expand my spiritual horizons. I was introduced to the deeply entwined concepts of karma and reincarnation, which to me explained much that the belief that we only live once could not explain. I also came to believe that we truly are sons and daughters of God, and as such we are spiritual beings with a divine destiny.
This was a profound remembering for me. I use the word ‘remembering’ because somewhere within me I had always known it. It also was a sobering realization, because it meant I needed to pick myself up from where I'd fallen and get back on the spiritual path. For I’d lost my way, and was shocked to realize how far I’d wandered from the virtues I'd been raised upon. I got scared, scared for my soul. So, with no little uncertainty, I set out on the long walk home. I’m walking still.
You can reach me at I’d love to hear from you!